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  • Writer's pictureJ.M. Newcomb

Doing nothing is okay.

This will seem naive to a lot of people, because our society is built on doing; but I am okay doing nothing.

I'm not advocating for complacency, or saying that we should all quit our jobs and dance around in the dessert.

Rather, I'm suggesting we invite a little more stillness into our life, and release our grip a little bit. Every day I feel like I have to prove my worth through accomplishment. All it does is stress me out and pushes me to give all my time up to work.

I reject that life.

I'm not calling for anarchy, and I know not everyone has the luxury of straying from the status quo.

Yet, we shouldn't have to prove our worth through material wealth.

We shouldn't have to slave away, just to exist.

I'm tired of people putting me down because I just want to sit.

I'm tired of people rushing me to some invisible destination.

I'm not lazy. I'm not unmotivated. I just know the right pace for me.

I was hoping being shut down would help more people to be okay with this, but instead we are pushing to get the machine going again. It's like we're afraid to take a slow walk with ourselves. We're afraid let our life be spontaneous.

I'm happy working a job that pays a couple bucks over minimum wage. I'm happy having an apartment that is just one little room. I'm okay wandering around, instead of racing to the finish line. I'm okay taking lots of me time.

I'm would rather live off of roots and rainwater, than running down my rubber.

In short, I just want to encourage the message that slowness is okay. Sitting around is just fine. There's nothing wrong with nothingness.

Spending time laughing with people is just as beneficial to their well-being as feeding them.

I am a human being; I will rest when I am tired, and I will move as fast as my legs move. Slow and simple is okay. Doing nothing is okay.

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